Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week of 11/23/2008 - 11/29/2008 (Thanksgiving - Boston)

Thanksgiving Week

I'm not usually one for warm and fuzzy sentiments... but I really do love Thanksgiving. Went home for the week to Boston, and had plenty to be thankful about. I still don't WANT to be slow forever more... but I do realize that there are more important things.

Monday was my mom's birthday, and then Peter came for Thanksgiving. My mom had friends over too, so we ended up having WWII Villians Thanksgiving (with 2 German people and 4 Japanese people). I felt relaxed and happy and did not have nightmares for the first time in months. Cooked a big turkey, enjoyed some long, slow, (hopefully regenerative) not on a schedule runs. It actually felt somewhat de-stressing (but also a little bit stressing) to just run in a non structured way for a little bit. I just did what I could when I felt like it.

Sunday 11/23: Off, all daylight hours were consumed by flying/time zone change. Woke up at 4 am, and felt completely wiped out when I arrived so went to bed at 8 pm Boston time, which is 5 pm LA time.

Monday 11/24: 1:24:20, River path to Eliot Bridge. Decided that 40 degrees is still acceptable running weather. Once you warm up, its not half bad. Saw one other crazy person who was wearing shorts like me. Took it real easy and thought this was a nice relaxing run until I got home to my map of River Loop distances and saw that I only ran 9.3 miles... which makes this run kind of on the ridiculously slow side... bah. But today is my mom's birthday, so I did not waste any of it on being disgruntled about the slowness.

Tuesday 11/25: Off, torrential downpour. Also stuffed myself silly with scones upon getting up in the morning and felt barfy, which did not really make it any easier to want to run. Then I dug up some old running logs and remembered that in winter of 2005 I ran 11 miles a day rain or shine in the 35 degree weather when I was at home in Boston. One of those days was really rainy and miserable, and I still ran 11 miles... at sub-8 minute mile pace. Who would have thought that in 3 years I'd be all lazy and slow... lame, totally lame.

Wednesday 11/26: 1:34:31, River Path to JFK bridge (10.9 miles). Felt motivated to get out there after spending yesterday feeling grouchy. This run was better, found some nice dirt paths that I'd never ventured to try in years past. Also, had enough energy left to push the pace a little bit for the last 2.5 miles. Felt good to get going, and made it up Big Hill in record time. (We now live at the top of a half mile long, somewhat steep hill which is inevitable to get to the river path)

Thursday 11/27: 1:15:30, Shorter River Path plus detour to gas station (8.9 miles). We picked up Peter from the airport yesterday, and he came with me on my run (on bike) this morning after we patched up my old mountain bike and pumped up the tires at the gas station. It was really nice, but I realized that I was being grinchy to him, because I didn't want him to see me be this slow. I know that this is wholly irrational, because 1) numerous discussions over the years have revealed that not everyone has speed goggles to the same degree that I apparently do and 2) me at my very very best would still be woefully underwhelming to a former national champion/professional triathlete anyways... so, I should really get over this--but it's harder than you think. There's still this side of me that wants to be a badass in front of her man. When I race (er, IF I ever race again...) I want Peter to be able to say "See the one kicking everyone's butt? That's MY girl." Anyways, I suppose I can ruminate on this problem another time.

Friday 11/28: Off, bleh. Being lazy again. I think the laziness is correlated with it raining. I didn't feel too horrible though, because I have a big day planned for tomorrow :).

Saturday 11/29: 2:06:18, give or take a couple of minutes, the first ever Run-Bike Boston Tour of Megumi's Childhood Relics. Took Peter around town (me on foot, him on bike) to see where I grew up. I had an elaborate route planned out, but the farthest landmark had to be foregone due to time constraints (we had to catch our flights home). It still mapped out to ~14.5 miles though, so I wasn't going as ridiculously slowly as I thought I was. Anyways, it was fun. Felt a little groggy and sore after this + 5 1/2 hours of sitting on a plane.

Training this week: 6:20:39 (43.6 miles*) a big week on 4 days.

*This is the first time in over a year that I've run a 40 mile week. Feet and ankles are holding steady. I also did not feel catastrophically awful this week for the first time in about a month. That's something to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Ryan said...


Thumbs up to the Axis Powers!