Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week of 11/09/2008 - 11/15/2008 (Not Good Week #2)

A Medical Freak Show...

On Sunday I wondered if it's just in my head that I'm falling apart... so I decided to break out the trusty HR monitor to take on my standard easy long run.

... and sometimes there's stuff you kind of wished you didn't have to know. Started out nice and easy, HR about 160, pretty standard. I was starting to think maybe this was going to be a normal run and I was going to be alright... but then about 15 minutes in, I happened to glance down at my watch and saw 185! Holy moly...

Tempo runs go about 185... the steep part of the Bailey hill climb gets about 185... not your run of the mill, slow, flat run. Good grief, I thought my eyes would pop out of my head, but sadly I still had about 7-8 miles left, so I decided just to see what would happen.

What happened was the I started to gradually feel worse and worse, with HR peaking in the 190's... until I decided to drastically reduce my pace to about a crawl, which is how I finished the run HR hovering just below 180. Yikes... so, no, its not in my head that my body has completely melted down into a blob.

Also, this week contained a 4 day weekend (work is doing this thing where they try to compensate lack of pay for more vacation days...) during which I think I slept 14+ hours per day. Seriously. I think I'm dying....

Sunday 11/09: 1:25:51, California back to stables, then around RB. Horrible, horrible experience. See above for details. Rode my bike to the Arroyo and around town a bit.

Monday 11/10: 30:42, due to unexpected day off of work, I had time in the evening to run sufficiently after my shot so as not to cause problems. I felt horrible, so I decided just to do 10 easy laps around the North Field. Unfortunately, that was apparently too ambitious of a goal. Somehow, I couldn't hold 10 minute mile pace for 30 minutes... first 5 laps in 14:55, next 5 in 15:35... how is that even POSSIBLE? 10 minute miles aren't even exercise! I think it's officially time to be worried now.

Tuesday 11/11: 1:06:46, Monterrey to RB. Biked to the Arroyo and then ran as conservatively as I possibly while still maintaining forward motion. Felt okay. Extremely slow, I guess that's par for the course lately. In other news, at least it's getting easier to get up the hill on California on my bike.... goodness only knows something could be improving these days.

Wednesday 11/12: 49:04, Monterrey Recovery Loop. Didn't feel catastrophically awful, but felt tired and was slow. However, I discovered that my bike has its own security man! There's a friendly guy who guards the warehouse by the Monterrey entrance to the Arroyo, and apparently I lock my bike right next to where he stands. Very nice!

Thursday 11/13: 53:15, Lorain, unsatisfactory. Got kind of a late start... didn't feel very motivated. Felt alright but then when I saw the time it definitively felt like WAY more effort than such an incredibly slow pace would merit. Gah... things are so not getting better....

Friday 11/14: Off, slept in. Felt crappy. I don't really remember too much else about this day.

Saturday 11/15: 1:07:20, RB to JPL gate... wow, another contender for "Worst Run Ever". Slept in, rode my bike to the RB around 11 am, when it was already about 85 degrees, and probably over 90 when I left. Felt super awful, slowed down a great deal in the last half... and I'm not sure I can blame the heat for all of it. Arghhh... well in statistical fairness, in the past I've always chosen less sleep over running in the heat, so its only fair that I give the other choice a few shots before deciding what's better.

Training this week: 5:52:58

1 comment:

Sarah said...

hi friend- my heartrate goes CRAZY when I am not sleeping enough. It used to happen at tech when I didn't sleep for consecutive days but now it happens when I only get 5 or 6 hours of sleep. maybe you just need to take it easy for a week or two and make sure you get enough sleep and water and such.