Friday, February 19, 2010

Inertia prevents take-off

01/24/2010 - 01/30/2010

After last week, I thought maybe it wouldn't be as hard as I thought to clip back into some sort of rhythm of regular running... not so. I still kind of feel deflated and discouraged for the most part, accentuated by a heavy dose of existential ennui relating to my life outside of running. Bah, humbug.

Sunday 01/24: XC Skiing with Peter (~3 hours)
Took advantage of this lull in running motivation to enjoy some other activities. Though, I must say the weather tried its best to make this as un-enjoyable as possible. It was like 15 degrees and overcast, with snow falling intermittently. The other issue is that this place is at 9,000 feet, which pretty much makes exertion harder at all levels. Nonetheless, I was determined to enjoy myself. Did some drills with Peter until I felt more confident on the skate skis to venture farther out onto the trails. Did some nice loops, but with a lot of breaks to catch my breath. It was much more difficult than I remembered.

Monday 01/25: Off, travel. Also insanely sore in all of these strange places.

Tuesday - Wednesday (01/26 - 01/27): Off. No excuse... just useless blobbiness. Meh.

Thursday 01/28: 5.3 miles, 44:09 (8:20 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Remembered that somehow I signed myself up to run Patrician on Saturday, so I figured it would be in my best interests to run a little bit before then, just to make sure my legs still work. Felt fine, but somehow ended up being irate anyways because I figured this should have been faster due to all of the extra rest. Maybe I'm just losing fitness now :(

Friday 01/29: Off, shots. No motivation to do an evening run.

Saturday 01/30: 10 miles, 1:27:47 (8:47 min/mile) Patrician
Fun run with Kamalah (!) who's in town this weekend, Michelle, Susan, Stephanie and Ryan (Keeley, not The Brain). Super super easy except for the Patrician Hills part, where I picked it up a little in a moderately unsuccessful attempt to stay with Susan. Re-grouped at the sketchy hose water, with a short double back to collect Kamalah and we were on our way again. The hills were definitely a shock to the system, but I came out of it alright. Felt like I had energy to burn on the way back to Tech and wanted to tempo it, but dialed it back since no one else seemed amenable to the idea. Nice breakfast at Corner Bakery afterwards!

Week Total
: 15.3 miles... mmmm, not so decent... though I feel slightly more motivated to start training again, I think I'm okay on the flats, but sad that I'm so weak on hills now :(

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