Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The horribleness rears its ugly head!

02/21/2010 - 02/27/2010

Gah, I'm not exactly sure what went wrong, but the horribleness seems to be off to an early lead this week. First the lack of a proper long run, then the unintentional day off, then the horrible workout/horrible re-spraining of the ankle. GAHHHHHH...

Sunday 02/21: 7.1 miles, 59:26 (8:22 min/mile) Monterrey to Rose Bowl
The cop-out long run. Didn't sleep well and felt really lousy and stomach-achey through the morning. Finally dragged my unhappy self out to the Arroyo in the final hours of daylight. Felt lousy until the turnaround point, then a little better. I guess given how the day started out, its probably a win to have done a run at all.

Monday 02/22: Off, woke up and my stomach hurt so I slept in until it was too late to do a run. Nuts...

Tuesday 02/23: ~5.3 miles, 5 laps North Field, 2 x mile with 1 lap jog recovery, 5 laps North Field
Horrible, horrible workout. Felt congested and lousy when I woke up, and was already huffing on my warm up. Not a good sign... but per not having enough time to drive back to the Arroyo and not really wanting to run 45 minutes on the North Field (I have a low tolerance for runs that don't go anywhere) I was committed to the work out. Well... maybe not as committed as I could have been. Was supposed to be 3 x mile... but bailed after two sub-standard miles in (7:02/7:10) feeling substantially worse than last week's tempo or the previous week's workout with Susan... isn't training supposed to make you FASTER? To add insult to injury (or rather, injury to insult in this case), I horribly sprained my newly healed R ankle during the last lap of my cooldown.... gahhhhhhh. So sad and unamused.

Wednesday 02/24: 7.1 miles, 57:16 (8:04 min/mile) Monterrey to Rose Bowl
6 am run awesomeness with Dennis in the Arroyo. Actually felt really good. I like the early morning hours, very peaceful and calm. A moderate but comfortable pace, I guess I have energy left over from running SO SLOWLY yesterday. I really wish I knew what made the bad days come and go. Let's see if I can get up this early again tomorrow.

Thursday 02/25: 7.1 miles, 1:01:32 (8:40 min/mile) Monterrey to Rose Bowl
Decided to cash in my recovery jog today instead of yesterday. I think the jog on the way out, run on the way back works well for me in this regard. (33:29/28:03) probably could have put some more effort into the jog part, but oh well, sort of tired and groggy--felt a lot better on the run back. Day 2 of getting up at 5:45, but did an involuntary snooze until 6am so everything was 15 minutes late today.

Friday 02/26: 7.1 miles, 58:13 (8:12 min/mile) Monterrey to Rose Bowl
Day 3 of 6 am run. Same route with Dennis, felt pretty good, but not quite as good as Wednesday, so we went a little bit slower, but it actually turned out better than I thought it would. I guess I'm kind of in a rut with this route (4th time this week)... but to be fair, a 7 mile rut is much better than a 5 mile rut!

Saturday 02/27: 5.3 miles, 45:52 (8:39 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Fail on waking up early. Did some light jogging during one of the breaks in the rain. Arroyo was extra muddy for some reason, footing difficult, almost did a faceplant at various points. Felt okay otherwise, just taking it easy in preparation for attempting a decent long run tomorrow. Really hungry today for some reason.

Week Total: 39 miles, not bad considering lack of long run.

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