Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 14: Swine Flu! (07/05/2009 - 07/11/2009)

On Friday, I got really sick. Like, really really sick, and suddenly.

On Saturday, I got an e-mail from el Boss Man: "Sorry guys, I've been coming to the office all week with swine flu! Hope you don't get it!"

I didn't get tested, so I guess I won't know if that's what it was, but it was pretty terrible... even with the allergic person's Super Immune System. Come to think of it, I've been sneezing and coughing like crazy all week, a sign of bad things to come.

Sunday 07/05: 45.7 miles, 2:53:00 (15.8 mph) Peter's Short Long Loop. I had Seal Beach on the planner, but was still feeling pooped from yesterday. Decided to cut it short and grab some breakfast with Peter. I just concentrated on spinning fast and the ride went by tolerably well--it was only until I finished that I realized how slow it really was. HR was also insanely low, 131 avg. Probably time for a nice easy week.

Monday 07/06: Off. Felt like this was well earned.

Tuesday 07/07: Off. This one was not well earned... just feeling crappy, couldn't wake up in time.

Wednesday 07/08: [Running] 20:38, 10 laps around the South Field after work and before delicious delicious apartmental dinner. Still feeling poorly... I decided to hit the track for some running just for the sake of doing... something. Unfortunately, this also felt really really bad. Quads were killing me the whole time. Also, had to hop the fence bc the front desk nazi was asking for ID cards again. Bah, humbug.

Thursday 07/09: 37.6 miles, 2:15:55 (16.6 mph) 10 x RB laps. Real easy, just tried to focus on high cadence. I thought this shakeout helped my quads feel less tight and sore, but the soreness returned later on in the day. Nuts.

Friday 07/10: Off, shots. Also, onset of swine flu. I was feeling under the weather and headachey all day, but it all went south pretty quick towards the evening. Barely made the drive home before I was vomiting, delirious, diarrhea, the whole works. Felt positively godawful. 3 pepto bismol and 2 advil later, I finally got a little bit of sleep at 5 am.

Saturday 07/11: Off, more flu. Now, whole body aches, but no more vomiting. Spent the day trying to force down Gatorades. Tried to rest but I felt so horrible it was hard to get any sleep. Got up and watched some Tour with KB in the afternoon. Feeling a little better, but still nauseous and achey. So much for the last weekend of training before the race...

Training this week: 83.3 miles, 5:08:55 ... this week could have gone better (in more ways than one)

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