Monday, December 29, 2008

Week of 12/14/2008 - 12/20/2008

Here Comes the Rain....

Maybe a more appropriate title is... "Here Comes the End". After teetering on the edge since November... its finally over. Appointment has been made to see the podiatrist, the self diagnosis: navicular stress fracture. Probably of the middle one, that doesn't heal. Meh.

Sunday 12/14: 1:14:02, CA to RB feeling slow and rickety. Felt better towards the end, but then felt depressed that so much effort was expended to run so slowly. Bad L ankle... did a lot of physical therapy afterwards, but with mixed results.

Monday 12/15: Off... still bad L ankle... determined that the problem seems to be that once my heel is on the ground, I can't push off the toe to complete one stride... which explains why I can run (as long as a toe-strike) long past when I stop being able to walk normally.

Tuesday 12/16: 1:08:14, Hungtington/Marengo from the apartment. Really slowly... tried to pretend that I wasn't favoring the bad leg... but I was. In addition, I felt really really worn out by the time I turned off of Huntington towards the end, which was really discouraging. It's been a while since a slow 7 or 8 mile run would cause fatigue.

Wednesday 12/17: 1:06:52, Same as yesterday, in the rain. Hedged my bets on getting a late start, and lost. It started raining almost as soon as I started my run.... bleh. I tried to make myself run normally even if it hurt my ankle, but that didn't seem to help the slowness very much. Still a better run overall than yesterday, despite the rain. On the plus side, I now remember that running in the rain isn't as bad as I usually imagine.

Thursday 12/18: Off, now L ankle really, really, really hurts. Ehhhh.... Work is also stressful. Trying to get everything done before the holidays. At least no coworkers have commented on my new brisk shuffle-walk, which is my attempt to have the least amount of contact between my L heel and the ground.

Friday 12/19: Off, shots. Depressed and sad. Felt awful, physically, emotionally etc. My department was the last to leave work... it was really stressful, I forgot a whole bunch of things I needed to do before I left because I was just focusing on making sure my minion got to go home at a reasonable hour.

Saturday 12/20: 48:45, Monterrey Recovery Loop. I've been riding my bike to the trails recently, but today I drove, because I was feeling so depressed and unmotivated that I knew I wouldn't go if I also had to overcome the inertia of leaving warm bed to go biking in the cold. Ankle hurt, breathing hurt, and got horrible cramping and gastrointestinal distress. Arghhhh... I guess this is the universe's way of telling me that running is over for a good long while.

Total Training this Week
: 4:17:53