Thursday, June 7, 2007

Week of 06/03/2007 - 06/09/2007 (Separated 2nd Metatarsal Joint Week 4)

Hokay. So, here's the thing.

I've tried and I've tried to put some sort of a redeeming spin on things, tried and tried to preserve some last obscure bastion of identity, but the bottom line is this. For me, unplanned time off bites the big one.

I've finally just accepted that nothing I can do will make this time suck less. So, I will put my head down and get through this week, I will get through next week and maybe, just maybe on Friday, June 15th, I will be cleared for some walking and if I'm really *really* lucky, a little bit of riding. Here's to hoping.

Sunday 06/03 - Monday 06/04: Nothing, external consternations. Can't find the motivation to go lift, even though presumably it will be better than sitting on my ass. Ate cookies. Lots of them.

Tuesday 06/05: Dragged fat ass to gym--success! Thinking the motivation is a good sign for me making it 2 more weeks like this. For the life of me I can't remember what I used to DO at the gym though.... I had a 90 minute and 60 minute routine that got alternated, but take out the ones that involve legs, and the ones I can't remember and the machines that have disappeared (WTF happened to the pull up/tricep dip bar!?!?!?!?) I only had enough crap to do to fill up 1 hour, including core strengthening.

Lats, Bench, Pecs, Delts, free weights (curls, shoulders, forearm), core strengthening. Through some trial and error, determined that every set essentially had to be decreased ~40% from what I used to be able to do back in 2004. Glad that I went though, even though I felt squishy and weak, like a normal girl... gah!

Wednesday 06/06: Sore as hell, swamped with work. Felt okay with decision to take a recovery day. Will go back tomorrow. If I remember correctly, the learning curve on lifting is pretty steep.

Thursday 06/07: Argh, sore as hell, arguably more so than yesterday. Unfortunately today is not a rest day. Did the same set at the same weight as Tuesday, but with a lot more difficulty due to extreme soreness. Can't lift arms above shoulder height or behind the plane of my body without incredible pain. Felt better after the workout, but afraid that I'm just compounding the soreness for Saturday. Bah, humbug.

Friday 06/08: Kangway's going away dinner/beer mile. Booo to leaving :'(. Hobbled the equivalent of 400m in the walking cast, no beers. Inebriated-to-varying-degrees pull up contest ensued... based on results of 2 days of lifting... wisely decided to avoid that ass-kicking.

Saturday 06/09: Back to the gym again. Surprisingly, not very sore anymore, thank goodness. Added a few new ones--quads and leg press (gingerly and one leg at a time, if possible) and back extentions.

Tried to increase some weights, with mostly poor results. Pissed at the lack of improvement. Found a way to fix the tricep dip bar, but determined that the competence was sorely lacking... had trouble completing 3, much less 3 sets of 15. This used to be my favorite set too... how sad.

Core strengthening afterwards, almost 90 minutes total today! Progress is frustrating, but I think its a step in the right direction that I'm doing *anything* at all other than sitting on my butt eating food.

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