Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week of 08/31/2008 - 09/06/2008 (Base Week 25)

26 year old asian female seeking short and effective anger management course.

Hate and chocolate... are apparently NOT good fuels for running.

*Sigh* ... two runs this week have been ruined and this has to stop. I suppose my dislike isn't actually causing a certain deserving individual any pain, and it's not bringing back my opportunity to see our mutual friends that he so kindly and considerately took away... so, I suppose I should let it go. I guess I should move this weekend anyways. Gah, I need to learn to meditate.

Sunday 08/31: 1:10:35, Last Griggs Road run... *sigh* I'm making my rounds of the last Highlands Ranch area runs... which I'm finding to be sadder than I expected. The area we're going to is pretty nifty, but the non pavement running seems... limited. Felt pretty awful in the morning, something bad is going on with my sinuses, or maybe I'm catching the plague from Peter. That plus the memory of exactly how much gasping for air I had to do yesterday made me rather unenthused about getting out the door... but I did and I actually made it pretty far today too, despite the decision to move my long run over to tomorrow. Ate some delicious banana bread pudding and packed up Peter's kitchen.

Monday 09/01: 1:47:44, Last Dried Up Creek Run. I think maybe day 3 is when you finally begin to acclimate to the altitude a little bit, because today was the first day that a pace existed that did not feel like drowning. That felt really nice. Went all the way to the railroad tracks and came back. Was feeling a bit tired by the end, but overall a good long run. I think it also helped that it was pretty flat. We got done with most of the packing, ate some INCREDIBLY delicious Indian food near Peter's new home, and watched some weird British comedy shows.

Tuesday 09/02: Off, shots, traveling. Felt sad to leave, it was a really good, quiet weekend. Packing's not so exciting, but it was really nice to spend that time with Peter, and overall I felt like I had 3 quality runs. I knew I wasn't going to get anything uptempo in there, so my goal was just to log some solid base miles... er, minutes... which I think I did.

In other news, signed the lease on the new place with Kangway and Mark!

Wednesday 09/03: 49:18, Monterrey Recovery Loop. This is where it all went wrong... I woke up with some pretty major gastrointestinal distress (likely due to an excess of chocolate, junk food and cheesecake factory), and decided it was not a good idea to head out the door in this state. Drifted in and out of sleep in between bathroom runs until about 8 am... when I felt exhausted as hell and pretty horrible, but somewhat well enough to jog... so I did. And it was slow and barfy and at the end this horrible lady on a horse wouldn't stop to let me go around so I had to stand there just totally aghast waiting for her to slooooowly amble past my turnoff so I could start running again! Totally outrageous. To my credit though, I didn't shout any of the 4 and/or 5 letter words that were formulating themselves in my mind once I'd gotten over being so very taken aback.

Thursday 09/04: 55:02, a botched attempt at a tempo run. In the end I just stopped after 2 sub-standard Arroyo Tempo Loops and ran around for a little bit. For the first time on a tempo... my legs just felt like lead, and I was totally pre-occupied and my heart just wasn't in it. I've been stewing and seething since yesterday night regarding a certain selfish, inconsiderate individual who will remain nameless who unwittingly or otherwise has destroyed a weekend that I was looking forwards to... and usually anger makes me run faster and more aggressively, but today it just kinda imploded in on itself, probably just due to physical exhaustion from being sleep deprived, stressed and possibly getting sick. Went home and just stared into space for a while I was so upset.

Friday 09/05: Off, shots. I don't remember a whole lot about this day... but I think I felt better. And, less angry. Turning over a new leaf.

Saturday 09/06: 1:22:05, Bailey to Connector. I think this was like my worst Bailey run, probably... ever. And that is because I should know better. Stupid, stupid, stupid idiot. 27:54 to the camp, and 48:34 to the sign. For some reason, I totally lost control of this run and had completely gone anaerobic halfway to the camp. Getting from the camp to the top was like, worse than crawling, it was horrible... I can hardly believe I even made it.

Gah. I'm more pissed at myself for losing control than for it being a crappy run... I consider this a very technical course. It can be absolutely glorious, OR it can also easily degenerate to lactic slogging if you can't stay close to threshold. I must have run this 10, 20 times before without having a blow up like this one. I seriously considered turning back at the camp because I was in so much pain by then, but it seemed like it had to be some sort of redemption to finish... In hindsight that's horrible logic, but I think I was probably trying to burn away some residual self loathing after abandoning my tempo run on Thursday.

Training this week: 6:04:44 ... wow, my first > 6 hours in years and years...
Goals: Anger management, Weight management.

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