Monday, November 10, 2008

Week of 11/02/2008 - 11/08/2008 (Not Good Week #1)

So... what can I say about this week, other than that it was bad?

Well, sore and tired come to mind... which is ever so odd because I didn't run very much at all. Nevertheless, for the time being, at least, we must resist the urge to jump out the window and wait to see if things settle down--or if it's really time to start worrying.

Sunday 11/02: 1:11:16, 3 laps of Washington Park, reeeeeeeealllllly slowly. After yesterday, I was seriously worried about my ability to complete 3 laps. It was ugly and painful, but I made it. I think I kept repeating to myself, the only goal of today is to finish, the only goal of today is to finish. Thankfully, all of the quick folks seemed to be going clockwise today, so I was spared the additional consternation of seeing lithe, athletic bodies fly past me left and right. Felt really wiped out afterwards, and the charleyhorse in my calf was really painful.

Monday 11/03: Off, shots. Flying home. Thank goodness for the off day. I think I was walking funny due to the calf soreness. Feeling pretty apprehensive about the elections.

Tuesday 11/04: 51:26, Lorain (6.3 miles). I felt really tired and horrible in the morning, AND it was drizzling and grey out, but got myself up and out the door pretty quickly, because I knew that today could be a historic day in the making. If it did turn out to be so, I didn't want to remember till the day that I died that I was a lazy ass and didn't get out of bed that morning. So I got out of bed, and I ran and thought about hope, and somehow I fought through this run without slowing down too much, even though I didn't feel very good. Saw the team run by at Lacy through the fence. I don't like to think of myself as a superstitious type of a person... but Obama was selection #14 on my ballot, which is an auspicious number due to it being also my birthday... so I had a good feeling about the presidential race--and I was right!

Wednesday 11/05: 47:33, Monterrey Recovery Loop. Unfortunately, woke up in a pretty dark mood due to Prop 8, a rather cruel juxtaposition to everything that an Obama victory represents. Felt alternately sad and grouchy through most of the run, except for two highlights: 1) the homeless man under the bridge kept yelling at me as if I was in a race "you can catch'em! you're in third place now, work that hill!" 2) my Wednesday morning Arroyo rendez-vous with Ian and the oxy team running the opposite direction.

Thursday 11/06: 58:30, RB to yellow gate. The theme of this day is "hope". Seeing all of the Obama stickers go by on the freeway made me realize... a better world IS coming, whether the conservatives like it or not. The prop 8 battle may be lost but the war is not over. We have been and we will continue to move towards a more open, equal and accepting society. This run was pretty decent, as in, for the first time I didn't feel incredibly horrible. Hopefully this is indicative of good things to come.

Friday 11/07: Initially I wanted to do a short run today, but I'm still having a lot of trouble with fatigue and erratic sleeping patterns. Couldn't get out of bed this morning, and felt consistently groggy all day.

Saturday 11/08: 51:51, Huntington up Oak Knoll. Ugh. So much for hope. I let myself sleep in today, which meant that I had to run when it was uncomfortably warm and sunny, but that doesn't really account for how awful I felt. Started off not bad, but I just became tired very very early on in the run, and was pretty much wiped out by the time I got to the grass median on Huntington. Hips/glutes also insanely sore. Not sure why... just did not feel good at all.

Ugh, about a month ago, I was finally starting to feel pretty good! What the hell happened to that shit? Gah... goals are suspended until I can figure out how to fix this....

Training this week: 4:40:36

1 comment:

Markkimarkkonnen said...

hey so, your window is actually only about three feet off the ground. if you managed to get the screen off and jump out, probably all the would happen is it would be really fun.