Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week of 03/02/2008 - 03/08/2008 (Mystery Week 1)

Judging from the quantity and quality of foul substances my left sinuses are producing... I haven't quite kicked the sinus infection. However, the subsiding of headache, fever and facial pain meant that I embarked tentatively on my first run in just about 2 weeks.

Let's see how well I do for the rest of the days....

Sunday 03/02: 44:07, Monterrey to bridge loop, veeeeeeeerrrrrrry slowly. Didn't feel as terrible as I expected, but still felt kinda tired and out of breath. Legs sore towards the end, upper body/shoulder felt cramp-y. Also a lot of snot. Not really feeling that great, but it was such a nice day that I felt it would be a shame to not get out there. Did PT and abridged core strengthening afterwards. Really hard, its been a few weeks. L foot felt so-so. Taped it before the run, seemed to help.

Monday 03/03: Off. Working kicking my ass. Sinuses really bad today.

Tuesday 03/04: Off. Wanted to get up and run in the morning, but its not that easy when you are still a little sick and are get home from work at midnight. Came home a record early 8:45 pm today in order to make it to my Wednesday morning rematch with Slow Jogging.

Wednesday 03/05
: 41:58, Monterrey loop again in the AM. Hard to get up, but glad I did. Feeling much less sick than earlier in the week. Ran a couple minutes faster to show for it. Breathing is still not great, but much better than Sunday. Felt like I really had to concentrate to keep my form, pace. Not a fantastic run by any means, but I'm encouraged by the improvement.

Thursday 03/06
: Off. Allergy shot day. I'm thinking that the 5 day week is going to be inevitable for a while... at least until Minion needs less supervision... or I get promoted to the once a week shot schedule instead of the twice a week shot schedule. It's kind of a toss up as to which will happen first.

Friday 03/07
: 40:55, Monterrey loop in the AM. It's damn hard to wake up after insufficient sleep, but its a really good feeling to run in the morning. I feel happy when I get to work. Running doesn't quite feel as natural or as relaxed after an extended layoff, but things are getting better. No soreness today. Feet hurt a bit, but I think it was because I wrapped the toes too tightly today. Wondering if I should wean myself off of that.

Saturday 03/08: 41:22, One trail perimeter of the RB at almost noon. Remembered that I do not handle warm conditions well. Just felt inordinately warm, but in retrospect, maybe it wasn't so hot, maybe I'm just out of shape. Felt like I ran really slow, but the overall run time wasn't disasterous. Nose sunburnt. Nuts.

A beautiful day for riding though, joined Peter for 5 laps of the RB veeeeeeeeerrrry slowly. Turns out it was perfect temperature for cycling, really nice and fun. Felt pretty weak though on the bike. Legs not liking this unfamiliar activity... wrapped the bad toe up really tight for the pedaling, which sort of cut off the circulation a bit unpleasantly, but my toe didn't feel sore and bruised afterwards which is the usual after-effect of cycling these days.

Felt good about this week. 4 days of running, my feet are still in one piece, my legs feel good, the breathing is still bad, but my sinuses are loads better than at the beginning of the week.

Target Training Time this week: I really don't know how I'll be feeling. If I run 3-5 days and get healthy, I'll be pleased.

Actual Training: 2:48:22, 63 minutes of riding

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