A new beginning, hopefully. Unfortunately I am definitely not even ready for base miles. For the next few weeks, with a little help from the powers that be, I will be doing my pre-base miles, which I've decided will be measures in minutes and not miles to discourage the grousing about slow paces and embarassment. I may even forgo the HR monitor for the first few weeks lest I should be so discouraged that I give up on this again.
The goal of the pre-base miles is just to get my body used to running again, to make sure all of my broken parts are holding up, and just to get to a point where running a solid 30-40 base mile training week can be managed without undue stress to the system. However long it takes to get to that point, so be it. I think this will be fastest safest way to training again.
Sunday 09/16: Off, traveling back from Colorado. Flight delayed, pretty miserable. Got to bed around 2 or 3 am. Working from home this week, thank goodness.
Monday 09/17: 31:22 pleasant jog in the Arroyo. Drove to the entry point to be really really cautious, jogged out 15 minutes, back the same way then a little extra up the little hill back to car. Whether it was from descending from altitude, or just because I wasn't stressing out about pace--it actually didn't feel at all like drowning. Felt cool and pleasant the whole way, feet even felt pretty good in the Nike Frees on the trails.
Stretched and iced after getting back, really hoping I can just manage 30 minutes a day for the rest of the week without it breaking my feet again. Really felt like I could have happily done more today, but need to be really really careful with the feet. At this point in the game, its less about gaining fitness and more about gaining back the ability to train at all. The fitness will come, just so long as the feet don't break--so that's got to be the first priority.
Tuesday 09/18: 31:33 same route as yesterday, just a smidge slower. Felt good, no drowning, but did notice a bit of soreness in the hamstrings today throughout. Nothing major but eeesh, it is not good if 30 minutes of jogging makes one sore! Lots of precautionary stretching and icing. Its not much, but being able to run even a little bit really slowly is like a little piece of heaven.
Wednesday 09/19: 30:53 out to the random pile 'o woodchips again. Slightly faster today, so considered going 30 seconds farther out, but decided to restrain myself. Maybe later on I'll try driving to the California entrance to the arroyo and run 15 minutes out just to mix things up a little bit, but I'm really going to try to enforce the 30 minutes only rule this week.

Otherwise, stretched and iced exhaustively as a precautionary measure. Just the fact that I've actually run 3 consecutive days and am still standing is a miracle in and of itself.
Thursday 09/20: 31:36 drove to California and Arroyo for 2 x Arroyo tempo loops, easy, then a little extra up the switchback back to car. Cheated a little on the whole minutes only don't measure distance thing, since 2 Arroyo tempo loops approximately = 5K according to Ian. Was slightly too sunny at 2 pm, but felt pretty good. 15:09/15:06 for 30:15, or 9:45 pace... was pleased with sub-10 minute miles--this warrants a felicitous upgrade of my training state from "glorified walking" to "warm up jogging"!
Friday 09/21: 31:16 back to the old route. Almost sprained ankle, ergo slightly less placid than the other days. Also, rain clouds looming. I am just such a pansy about the rain... Don't get me wrong-rain, shine or snow, I WILL go out there and run, but I just really dislike it when I have to run on a rainy day. Felt a twinge in the mystery ankle tendon making a sharp right turn, which was consterning. On second thought, I'm thinking maybe 5 days of running may be sufficient for this first week, and I should take tomorrow off to hope that the tendon doesn't twinge again.
Saturday 09/22: Off. Probably a good call--raining all day, and L ankle felt kinda tweaked out all day. Did a lot of cleaning, hauling crap around though, which hopefully counted for some exercise. Iced for a long time, ankle felt better after that.
Weekly goal: 3 hours
Week Actual: 2:36:40 hours
Go girl! I'm proud of ya! Keep us updated on how you're feeling.
Wait. Did you really not eat anything for 10 days?! How did you live? Did you just drink juice? Didn't you feel weak and horrible? Holy crap.
haha yeah, 0 calories from any source for 10 days.
we read in a book that fasting is one of the few things that can cause autoimmune/inflammatory conditions to go into remission.
you're technically supposed to check yourself into a hospital and do it for like 3-5 weeks, but since such wasn't exactly practical for me, I just chose 10 days to try it.
it wasn't so bad, actually, and i think it has helped my allergies quite a bit, like even if they aren't 100% gone, they are a lot better than before... like enough for me to feel like i can function on a daily basis, which is honestly a huge relief, at this point.
basically the fact that i can run at all is pretty amazing, bc you might remember there was a point at which i could barely move from my air conditioned room on a hot day much less run, bc i'd developed an allergic reaction to my own sweat.
This week's blog entries are the most uplifting thing I've read all month. I'm really happy to see you feeling so much better, and taking such a sane mental attitude towards exercise.
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