I'd been dawdling on getting started with my first run back, pursing my lips and puffing out my cheeks, slowly letting out a raspy exhale. Maybe I'm still too sick. Its awfully hot out. I'm already dehydrated. My chest hurts from all of the coughing. This sucks.
Then I saw an e-mail from Markimarkonnen, more SCIAC results. Idly browsing through numbers, realizing that everyone else is getting faster. Oh, God, I can't keep up with the kids anymore... this is not acceptable, can't let this happen. A familiar fiery warm feeling started to build deep within me--no, not heartburn--lets call it motivation. Furiously pulled on some shoes and made a beeline for the door. Everyone else is training, and I'm not. Gotta get to it.
Sunday 03/04: 9 miles, 1:23:11 in the Arroyo at ~150 bpm heartrate. Felt pretty awful for 30 minutes, then got slightly easier. Legs feel creaky and heavy, L arch hurts a little bit on and off, throat still raw, hard to take deep breaths. Took detour back to Garfield Park to do 4 striders on grass. Too many people, had to avoid running over small children. Legs still felt heavy and tired, but everything felt better after the striders. Jogged back home. Just glad to complete a run, its been so long.
Monday 03/05: 3.5 miles, 37 minutes around North Fields in the dark in Nike Frees. 4 x striders with Mark on the South Fields. Core strengthening exercises in the gym, then home. Vaguely unproductive. Strange man was flying a home made contraption in the North Fields that seemed to upset the heart rate monitor, kept reading 180-225... eeeeeee. Was supposed to be ~140 bpm. Not sure what it really was, *sigh*. Coughing mostly subsided, but still feel a bit short of breath....didn't feel as good as I had hoped.
Tuesday 03/06: 5 miles, 22 minutes warm up around South Fields, 20 minutes of drills on grass, 10 x 100m striders, 22 minutes cool down around North Fields in Nike Frees. So exhausted, good grief the coordination drills are hard. Felt really out of breath, can't seem to maintain form through all of it, very clumsy, but at least didn't fall on my face. Striders were really painful after that, glad for 20 minutes of jogging at the end. L arch hurt a bit towards the end, maybe need a few days off from the Frees.
Wednesday 03/07: 6.25 miles, Huntington up Oak Knoll, felt really tired. Intended 50 minutes at 160 bpm, actual probably closer to 165 bpm, still took 55 minutes, what a disaster. Went too hard in the beginning, and spiked the heartrate, everything felt really crappy after that. 4 x 100m striders and core strengthening at the gym afterwards. Legs feel heavy and sore. Running doesn't feel good yet. Still some coughing.
Thursday 03/08: 6.5 miles, slowly around the South fields 1:01:30 at ~155 bpm. Really peeved that the North fields were locked today, I'm not sure entirely why but the fact that its just 1 minute larger of a loop makes such a big difference in terms of reducing the ennui of going around constantly in circles. Good relaxed easy run nonetheless. HR much more under control than yesterday. Really, really sore this morning, still had to do the deathly coordination drills again... its seriously only a matter of time before I'm observed by someone I know, flailing and falling all over the place, good grief. Definitely looking forward to a rest (jogging) day tomorrow.
Friday 03/09: 3 miles, 32:30 slow jogging around South fields at 140 bpm, core strengthening at gym. Relatively uneventful. Legs are sore, thank goodness for no drills today.
Saturday 03/10: 7 miles, finally, some fast running! 20 minutes warm up jogging (as if I needed further warming, as it was already like 80 degrees out...) then HR test at gym with Kangway and Ian. 0.3 mph increase every 400m on treadmill starting at 10:00 min/mile until I couldn't make it through the next segment. Painful in the last few segments, would have liked to make it through the 5:40 one, but wasn't going to happen, not today. 20 minutes cool down jogging. Legs definitely not used to the higher speeds... felt exhausted.
Max HR = 212, threshold is somewhere in the 190 range, but not entirely clear from the graph (x-axis is kmph, raw data available upon request). Probably should have tried to push a little harder at the end, but since I did not have the cushion of pillows like in the Bannister test, I elected not to risk getting shot out the back.

Target Mileage: 30-40 Miles
Week Actual: 40.25 Miles
Last Week: Miles? hah.
Trying not to stress out about mileage, just have time quotas and heart rates for each day. No workouts, just base miles and recovery.
1 comment:
Next up: Max HR Test. I'm not sure what test you want to use, but we could do the type where you're on a treadmill and we just keep increasing the grade.
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