Ugh, so here I am, two months later... having just logged my first "real" run in... two months.
For the past few years, I've been plagued by the curse of the training log. Every time I post something here, I get horribly injured, without fail. That is the curse of the training log. It is real people, and it is powerful. Just after my last entry in August, I tore the edge of my left plantar fascia, just under the cuboid. &#%$. I was thinking at first maybe it was just a locked cuboid, or maybe it was just a petty little strain... but in the end, it claimed 6 weeks... basically the same as a stress fracture. $%@#! I've been jogging 3 x a week for the past 2 weeks on the treadmill and finally got the go ahead to run outside.
So, here we go again. It is time to retire the curse of the training log, I will not be cowed by this irrational coincidence!
Sunday 10/30/2011: Arroyo 3 mile loop, 21:03 (7:01 pace), PF felt a little tight in the morning, so I wasn't sure about this run, but it warmed up very nicely throughout the day, and there was no pain during the run. Wore old racing flats, orange/white Brooks in which I set most of my PRs 6 years ago (ouch!). Felt kind of cathartic to just blast through all of the rocky parts, after a year of having to tip toe carefully around them in the Vibrams. Anyways, so maybe I started out a bit too fast (Garmin says 6:42 for the first mile) and there was maybe a bit too much huffing and puffing, but on the whole I am pleased with this run, as I think it means that I am not completely devoid of fitness, even after 2 months! Yay?
Monday 10/31/2011: Happy Halloween! Woke up with no PF pain, what a relief... AM: PT with Andre, core strengthening stuff, drills and the like. PM: 4000 yards swimming. Still snailing along in the pool, not really sure why... but somehow rallied to log some non awful 200y intervals at the end.
Tuesday 11/01/2011: Arroyo 3 mile loop, 20:54 (6:58 pace), woke up and arghhhh... the outsides of my feet were sort of sore... can't imagine why... but it worked itself out nicely by the time the evening rolled around, so went for my next scheduled run. Really, really thought that I did a good job of dialing it back today, but apparently I failed! It just feels so good to run fast... I guess I will just have to try harder to snail along on Thursday. Then jumped in the pool for 4550 yards swimming. It still feels exhausting and bad, but I think I felt inspired to snail a little less today. Not a bad day for exercise.
Wednesday 11/02/2011: 4600 yards in the pool. Feeling sort of beat up, shoulders are sort of accumulating this dull fatigued ache... plus the outsides of BOTH feet are still sore. Argh. Don't think its PF related, maybe the shoes?
Thursday 11/03/2011: Arroyo 3 mile loop, 21:04 (7:01 pace), feet significantly less sore today, but lost the battle against coffee... didn't feel all that great, but oddly enough, ran about the same! Legs kinda just seem to do their own thing, like they have their own rhythm... I'm pleased at how strong and good they feel, maybe there's something to all of those weird PT exercises. 3600 yards swimming afterwards. There was above average amount of dawdling today, so the yardage suffered, but given the amount of soreness in my shoulders, maybe this was for the best.
Friday 11/04/2011: Completely off. Allergy shots, travel, so on so forth. Free food abounds! Not a good combo, though managed to stick with going cold turkey on candy, chocolate and desserts. Word on the street was that the free desserts were super delicious... :'(
Saturday 11/05/2011: 1 x Washington Park Loop (3.6 miles, Denver), 26:46 (7:26 pace), Hmmmm, I don't know about this one guys. The altitude sort of makes you feel like you're running through molasses... it felt like I was going super slow, but finished the loop in 19 minutes, which is unusually fast. Saw some other fellow Newton-ites :) I think I've lost the ability to snail... maybe tomorrow.
Week #1 Total: 12.6 miles, but all of high quality.