03/28/2010 - 04/03/2010
The in-between space is where you go before you know whether it's going to be 3 days off, or 3 weeks... or 3 months. It's really very rare for me to have muscular injuries, so I'm not really sure what to expect. Though, it's still kicking around the back of my mind that backing off my calcium regimen has caused a stress fracture of the femural head. It's actually not THAT crazy, given the diffuse hip pain and painful ambulation.
I've been resting vigilantly with minimal movement in hopes of being able to run a little bit while in Japan for the next two weeks, but so far it isn't looking good. This week produced little improvement in the general state, with new pains emerging every so often. It's really hard to pinpoint exactly what the issue is, other than that it affects my ability to lift my R leg. Iliopsoas strain is likely with some groin involvement. According to the internet, recovery is about 2 weeks. Grrrrr... arghhh...
04/04/2010 - 04/10/2010
Flew out on Sunday, which was coincidentally the first day that I could almost kind of walk normally. Monday was sort of lost due to the time difference, but I decided to make the most of my new found semi-mobility by going on a 60-90 minute walk on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wow, it feels good to be mobile.
Thankfully, the walks did not produce new pain, so I decided to embark on the planned upon short hike with my cousins on Thursday. Climbing for about 90 minutes felt really good, but a steep-ish decent on the other side made my hip ache. Uh-oh. Stretched out real good at the hot springs on the way back, felt not horrible after that. Took it easy through the end of the week, and it seems like I haven't done any permanent damage. On the other hand, discovered that anything remotely resembling running is still very bad... as evidenced by when I tried to hurry back to the car, and almost crumpled to the ground. Ouch.
04/11/2010 - 04/17/2010
Didn't have a whole lot of time this week to worry about running, which I guess was good, because my hip continues to make progress only about at a glacial pace. The beginning of the week was devoted to furniture sort and lifting boxes, during which I almost threw out my back. Supposedly you're supposed to lift with your legs... but not so if you're trying to heal a strained... something. I figured my back was more expendable than my legs.
L calf has also started bothering me, not really sure whether it's some sort of compensation for favoring my R leg, or whether my calf strain never completely healed. Gah, you just can't catch a break around here, can you? Had a little bit of play-time left at the end of the week, but most of it was spent seeing long lost relatives, so I wouldn't have had time for my planned day trip to run at Fuji Five Lakes anyways. Started testing out about 10 steps of running on Friday and Saturday and it feels slightly strange but kind of like it might be okay.
Back to the US on Saturday. Gained 16 hours, was awake for about 36 and then was completely exhausted. Trip was actually pretty fun, despite being full of family feuds and furniture sorting. I noticed that simply not having to go to work makes me feel happy and relaxed. While I'm anxious to start running a little bit again, I'm kind of also thinking that running is going to have to take a back seat until I figure out what to do with the career/job situation. Maybe that's good, take the pressure off a little bit.
Quenton Cassidy was a miler... I, on the other hand seem to be built for tempo runs and steep hill climbs...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Things fall apart
03/21/2010 - 03/27/2010
As Chinua Achebe says, things fall apart. I guess sometimes you can help the process along too. I got so excited after last week, that I did something stupid. To my credit, I haven't done anything stupid for a good long while. Sometimes though, the one time you don't look before you cross the street is when you get mashed by a car. I think I strained some hip and groin muscles pretty severely. As in, to get out of bed, I have to use my hands to lift up my right leg because my hip flexors have completely stopped functioning. Gah.
Sunday 03/21: 14.3 miles, 2:12:14 (9:15 min/mile) High Line Canal Trail (Denver)
I wasn't feeling awesome after yesterday's run, so I was disinclined to do a long run today, especially if it involved more than 2 laps of the park. So Peter plunked me down at a nice trail head so that I would have the motivation to do a proper long run. Given feeling crappy and being at altitude, the original plan was to do 10 miles, nice and easy. Unfortunately the trail was marked at 0.5 mile intervals, and there's something about demarcations that make me want to say "just one more!". Started out feeling unusually good, despite the fact that there were some pretty rough spots where snow and slush had made the trail a quagmire of shoe sucking mud.
I had to backtrack a little bit after getting lost, but the 5 mile marker came and went pretty happily. I had started to notice some twinges in my R hip, but figured it was a cramp and would work itself out. Then the 6 mile marker was kind of in an unsatisfyingly un-scenic location, so I decided to make it a 14 miler like last week. It was only when I reached the turnaround point, that I realized that I was actually quite tired... but there were 7 miles left to get back. Miles 8 - 11 felt like pulling teeth, but I was hanging on to 9 minute miles... then with ~3 miles to go, I was totally out of gas. It hit almost instantaneously like a ton of bricks... I imagined that this might be what it feels like to "hit the wall" in a marathon, but I was done. I slowed to a shuffle and even so, I had to stop to stretch my hip at every mile, was completely dehydrated and could barely sustain my 10-11 minute mile pace. At last, after 30+ minutes, the car became visible and I have never been so glad, nor so unsure that I would manage the last 50 meters without walking. So, so, so, so, so, tired.
Monday 03/22: 1.25 miles, 9:47 (7:50 min/mile) 4 x North Field Laps (barefoot)
A little shake out after work. Felt completely drained and achey and sore all day, but somehow it all dissipated for the short duration of this wonderful barefoot run. It's sort of like... impossible to run any slower when I'm barefoot!
Tuesday 03/23: 5.3 miles, 47:11 (8:54 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Today was the first indication that something was seriously wrong. Beyond being sore and achey, this run... hurt. Every step on my right side felt like a weird stabbing pain in my R hip. It became somewhat bearable after 10 steps or so, but didn't let up throughout the entire run. Afterwards, R hip hurt doing my exercises, and then I could barely walk the rest of the day. Felt awful.
Wednesday 03/24: Off. Still hard to walk, ergo... no run :(
Thursday 03/25: 5.3 miles, 44:52 (8:28 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Felt significantly better after a day off, so tried another short run. Felt a lot better than Tuesday, but I could definitely feel my R hip with every step. Thought it was getting better, but towards the end of the day things started to clench up and complain loudly basically through the entirety of my R hip/groin/upper thigh area. So painful it really wasn't possible to figure out exactly what was hurting.
Friday 03/26: Off. Pain seems to be getting worse. Can't lift R leg really at all, have to walk funny... like I'm about to do a faceplant with every step. Still can't really pinpoint what exactly is wrong, but it seems like the groin, hip flexors and upper IT band are involved at a minimum. R quads also really sore, that's not helping either.
Saturday 03/27: Off. No improvement from yesterday. Still hard to walk/lift up R leg. Very unhappy.
Week Total: 26.2 miles, I have this bad feeling that a lot of time off is forthcoming...
As Chinua Achebe says, things fall apart. I guess sometimes you can help the process along too. I got so excited after last week, that I did something stupid. To my credit, I haven't done anything stupid for a good long while. Sometimes though, the one time you don't look before you cross the street is when you get mashed by a car. I think I strained some hip and groin muscles pretty severely. As in, to get out of bed, I have to use my hands to lift up my right leg because my hip flexors have completely stopped functioning. Gah.
Sunday 03/21: 14.3 miles, 2:12:14 (9:15 min/mile) High Line Canal Trail (Denver)
I wasn't feeling awesome after yesterday's run, so I was disinclined to do a long run today, especially if it involved more than 2 laps of the park. So Peter plunked me down at a nice trail head so that I would have the motivation to do a proper long run. Given feeling crappy and being at altitude, the original plan was to do 10 miles, nice and easy. Unfortunately the trail was marked at 0.5 mile intervals, and there's something about demarcations that make me want to say "just one more!". Started out feeling unusually good, despite the fact that there were some pretty rough spots where snow and slush had made the trail a quagmire of shoe sucking mud.
I had to backtrack a little bit after getting lost, but the 5 mile marker came and went pretty happily. I had started to notice some twinges in my R hip, but figured it was a cramp and would work itself out. Then the 6 mile marker was kind of in an unsatisfyingly un-scenic location, so I decided to make it a 14 miler like last week. It was only when I reached the turnaround point, that I realized that I was actually quite tired... but there were 7 miles left to get back. Miles 8 - 11 felt like pulling teeth, but I was hanging on to 9 minute miles... then with ~3 miles to go, I was totally out of gas. It hit almost instantaneously like a ton of bricks... I imagined that this might be what it feels like to "hit the wall" in a marathon, but I was done. I slowed to a shuffle and even so, I had to stop to stretch my hip at every mile, was completely dehydrated and could barely sustain my 10-11 minute mile pace. At last, after 30+ minutes, the car became visible and I have never been so glad, nor so unsure that I would manage the last 50 meters without walking. So, so, so, so, so, tired.
Monday 03/22: 1.25 miles, 9:47 (7:50 min/mile) 4 x North Field Laps (barefoot)
A little shake out after work. Felt completely drained and achey and sore all day, but somehow it all dissipated for the short duration of this wonderful barefoot run. It's sort of like... impossible to run any slower when I'm barefoot!
Tuesday 03/23: 5.3 miles, 47:11 (8:54 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Today was the first indication that something was seriously wrong. Beyond being sore and achey, this run... hurt. Every step on my right side felt like a weird stabbing pain in my R hip. It became somewhat bearable after 10 steps or so, but didn't let up throughout the entire run. Afterwards, R hip hurt doing my exercises, and then I could barely walk the rest of the day. Felt awful.
Wednesday 03/24: Off. Still hard to walk, ergo... no run :(
Thursday 03/25: 5.3 miles, 44:52 (8:28 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Felt significantly better after a day off, so tried another short run. Felt a lot better than Tuesday, but I could definitely feel my R hip with every step. Thought it was getting better, but towards the end of the day things started to clench up and complain loudly basically through the entirety of my R hip/groin/upper thigh area. So painful it really wasn't possible to figure out exactly what was hurting.
Friday 03/26: Off. Pain seems to be getting worse. Can't lift R leg really at all, have to walk funny... like I'm about to do a faceplant with every step. Still can't really pinpoint what exactly is wrong, but it seems like the groin, hip flexors and upper IT band are involved at a minimum. R quads also really sore, that's not helping either.
Saturday 03/27: Off. No improvement from yesterday. Still hard to walk/lift up R leg. Very unhappy.
Week Total: 26.2 miles, I have this bad feeling that a lot of time off is forthcoming...
Friday, April 9, 2010
The first/last good week
03/14/2010 - 03/20/2010
As such things go, we're due for a meltdown pretty soon... but somehow I've been lulled into a false sense of security. Which is why I figured that it would be a good idea to actually start training now, like REAL training, with different days devoted to different elements, rather than 4-7 days per week of nondescript medium/short runs at a medium/slow pace. This week was pretty neat because it had a real long run, and a tempo run and a barefoot run. I was pretty happy. Little did I know how short lived it would be...
Sunday 03/14: ~14 miles, 2:01:36 (~8:41 min/mile) Cherry Canyon Adventure Run
Happy Pi Day! An auspicious day for an auspicious run: super awesome long run through Other Arroyo/Cherry Canyon with Talia. Maybe I should have taken my first day back from the calf issues a little bit easier, but who could resist a long run with the Ogliores? Arrived a little late, but managed to intercept the group (Ryan, Talia, Ian and Evelyn) a few minutes in. Talia and I took the scenic route through Cherry Canyon along the single track. A few parts towards the top of the hill were too steep and washed out for running, but we arrived at a cute little loop that descended back via the fire road. Headed back to the RB via Other Arroyo and tacked on an extra 20 minutes south towards the Arroyo Tempo Loop to make it 2 hours. Felt surprisingly good and non-tired! Calf hurt a little bit on the steeper uphill parts, but loosened up again after a little stretching at the turnaround. Delicious breakfast at Corner Bakery afterwards with Ian and Evelyn.
Monday 03/15: Off, resting. Calf okay. Phew.
Tuesday 03/16: 5.3 miles, 44:18 (8:22 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Slept in, but felt good. Took it easy, no ill effects from the long run, and calf seems back to normal. Today was the trial run for whether I will attempt a tempo tomorrow, and all signs point to yes.
Wednesday 03/17: 7.6 miles, 1:03:32 (8:22 min/mile) 2 x Arroyo Tempo Loop Workout
A relatively acceptable little tempo. The goal for today was just to not bail on the second loop. Warmed up with one loop in 14:18, then two more at "tempo" pace (11:29/11:17), then a long-ish cooldown around the 3 mile loop in 26:28. Felt surprisingly good, kept a very comfortable, controlled, "breathing out of nose" pace for the first 1.5 of the tempo loops, and pushed a little bit coming back on the downhill. Was glad to see the negative split. Somehow I find it really reassuring when the times match perceived effort. Felt a bit too worn out on the cooldown for striders though. Maybe next time.
Thursday 03/18: AM: 5.3 miles, 45:32 (8:36 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Tired today. Took it easy but thankfully didn't completely blow up. I guess that's okay, calves are still okay, that's the main thing. Looking forwards to testing out a short barefoot segment after work.
PM: 1.25 miles, 9:45 (7:48 min/mile) 4 x North Field Laps
Barefoot after work. NF is nice after dark, felt good, but a little bit less spry than last time... perhaps because I felt a little bit more tired. Nonetheless, calves felt fine, probably okay to add this back in to the weekly routine!
Friday 03/19: Off, shots and travel to Colorado.
Saturday 03/20: 6.2 miles, 53:01 (8:33 min/mile) 2 x Washington Park Loops
First time from new house, which is conveniently exactly 0.5 miles from the park! Felt not so good though... part of it was because there was a lot of snow/slush and the trail was really slippery, but I guess I'm also not used to the altitude anymore after a few months away. Just kept getting slower and slower, so made a conscious effort to run a little bit harder the last half mile back home.
Week Total: 39.7 miles, not bad for 2 days off. Overall pleased with this week!
As such things go, we're due for a meltdown pretty soon... but somehow I've been lulled into a false sense of security. Which is why I figured that it would be a good idea to actually start training now, like REAL training, with different days devoted to different elements, rather than 4-7 days per week of nondescript medium/short runs at a medium/slow pace. This week was pretty neat because it had a real long run, and a tempo run and a barefoot run. I was pretty happy. Little did I know how short lived it would be...
Sunday 03/14: ~14 miles, 2:01:36 (~8:41 min/mile) Cherry Canyon Adventure Run
Happy Pi Day! An auspicious day for an auspicious run: super awesome long run through Other Arroyo/Cherry Canyon with Talia. Maybe I should have taken my first day back from the calf issues a little bit easier, but who could resist a long run with the Ogliores? Arrived a little late, but managed to intercept the group (Ryan, Talia, Ian and Evelyn) a few minutes in. Talia and I took the scenic route through Cherry Canyon along the single track. A few parts towards the top of the hill were too steep and washed out for running, but we arrived at a cute little loop that descended back via the fire road. Headed back to the RB via Other Arroyo and tacked on an extra 20 minutes south towards the Arroyo Tempo Loop to make it 2 hours. Felt surprisingly good and non-tired! Calf hurt a little bit on the steeper uphill parts, but loosened up again after a little stretching at the turnaround. Delicious breakfast at Corner Bakery afterwards with Ian and Evelyn.
Monday 03/15: Off, resting. Calf okay. Phew.
Tuesday 03/16: 5.3 miles, 44:18 (8:22 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Slept in, but felt good. Took it easy, no ill effects from the long run, and calf seems back to normal. Today was the trial run for whether I will attempt a tempo tomorrow, and all signs point to yes.
Wednesday 03/17: 7.6 miles, 1:03:32 (8:22 min/mile) 2 x Arroyo Tempo Loop Workout
A relatively acceptable little tempo. The goal for today was just to not bail on the second loop. Warmed up with one loop in 14:18, then two more at "tempo" pace (11:29/11:17), then a long-ish cooldown around the 3 mile loop in 26:28. Felt surprisingly good, kept a very comfortable, controlled, "breathing out of nose" pace for the first 1.5 of the tempo loops, and pushed a little bit coming back on the downhill. Was glad to see the negative split. Somehow I find it really reassuring when the times match perceived effort. Felt a bit too worn out on the cooldown for striders though. Maybe next time.
Thursday 03/18: AM: 5.3 miles, 45:32 (8:36 min/mile) Monterrey to Third Bridge
Tired today. Took it easy but thankfully didn't completely blow up. I guess that's okay, calves are still okay, that's the main thing. Looking forwards to testing out a short barefoot segment after work.
PM: 1.25 miles, 9:45 (7:48 min/mile) 4 x North Field Laps
Barefoot after work. NF is nice after dark, felt good, but a little bit less spry than last time... perhaps because I felt a little bit more tired. Nonetheless, calves felt fine, probably okay to add this back in to the weekly routine!
Friday 03/19: Off, shots and travel to Colorado.
Saturday 03/20: 6.2 miles, 53:01 (8:33 min/mile) 2 x Washington Park Loops
First time from new house, which is conveniently exactly 0.5 miles from the park! Felt not so good though... part of it was because there was a lot of snow/slush and the trail was really slippery, but I guess I'm also not used to the altitude anymore after a few months away. Just kept getting slower and slower, so made a conscious effort to run a little bit harder the last half mile back home.
Week Total: 39.7 miles, not bad for 2 days off. Overall pleased with this week!
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