10/18/2009 - 10/24/2009 (Week 8)
I've decided that the biggest issue for me with injuries is the loss of motivation, ergo the loss of momentum. The damage is more psychological than it is physical, and so I've decided that the key for me right now is just to re-establish the habit of running again.
Just take it one day at a time, rather than try to increase distance, or stress out about mileage, I feel like the key is just to run as many days as possible. The more days that I sleep in, the worse I feel, both physically and mentally. Consistency is key. Okay, here we go now:
Sunday: 5.2 miles, 42:49 (21:06/21:43) 2 x Washington Park Loops (8:14 min/mile)
After yesterday, I didn't really feel like I had 3 laps in me, so I decided to just do 2 and not feel bad about it. Felt better than yesterday, but still felt kind of buggered about the pace... maybe its not really a pace issue, actually its an endurance issue. The first lap felt fine... I also had someone to run with. I forgot what his name was, but we kept passing eachother back and forth so finally I decided to run next to him to avoid the competition. He was nice, but he was only doing one lap, so I think I slowed down a lot after he left.
Monday: Off, travel. Feeling lousy, not sure why, since I got a lot of sleep this weekend.
Tuesday: 6 miles, 47:25 Hillcrest, Orlando, Allen (7:58 min/mile)
Woke up feeling really beat, legs feeling really heavy... but force of habit is strong, it's Tuesday, so I figured that I should try to run a little faster than usual. Unfortunately my body just wouldn't go today. I felt like I expended an inordinate amount of effort not to get anywhere. My shoe came untied at Lake/California and I caught a glimpse of my watch. Seeing that I was 30 second behind last week's split, despite having worked a lot harder, I became discouraged and jogged the rest of it in. Bah, humbug.
Wednesday: 7.1 miles, 1:00:27 from Monterrey to RB (8:31 min/mile)
Hard to get up again, but was glad to make it on this nice, easy run. Was hoping it would be a little faster, but it felt good to take it easy after a few days where running felt more like struggling.
Thursday: 6.5 miles, 50:21 Hillcrest, Orlando, San Marino (7:45 min/mile)
An excellent night run in between baking a delicious chocolate cake. I kinda remembered what good base runs used to feel like today... I started off at a nice, controlled medium pace, and then pushed a little harder towards the end. That last part from Los Robles back to home always feels like a chore, so I tend to push through it. Felt good. Wish there were more runs like this.
Friday: Off, shots. Giving the hip and the feet and whatnot a precautionary day off by not trying to cram in a night run.
Saturday: 6.7 miles, 59:40 RB Perimeter to yellow gate at JPL (8:54 min/mile)
Good grief, I honestly don't know what happened here. I felt like I was going an "easy" pace, but it didn't feel like it was THAT slow. I also felt really wiped out on anything that went uphill, which meant that I really really struggled on the climb over the reservoir. I was so freaked out that I re-mapped this route immediately when I got home. Unfortunately, I didn't find a magical half mile or so that I forgot to measure... so I spent the rest of the evening feeling unsettled and irate.
Week total: 31.5 miles, some good, some bad... but making some progress!
Quenton Cassidy was a miler... I, on the other hand seem to be built for tempo runs and steep hill climbs...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Hip-hip hooray?
10/11/2009 - 10/17/2009 (Week 7)
I've decided that I'm still too young to have a metal hip... which means that I've got to come up with some way to fix this hip injury. Actually, at this point "hip" injury may be a misnomer. A variety of upper leg muscles have been hurting in turn at this point, so I'm not really sure what's going on anymore.
On the upside, it doesn't seem to make a difference whether I run fast or slow, and it's basically manageable with a smattering of core exercises, extra stretching and massage. Something always feels rusty and sore at the beginning of each run, but it seems to feel okay after 50 meters or so. It doesn't hurt me while walking around during the day any more, so I figure its improving and/or workable. I'm not 100% comfortable with it, but I think its good enough to proceed. Now to get that mileage back up. Last week I ran 3 days... this week I ran 4. One step at a time, I guess.
Sunday: 5.3 miles, 42:42 for Monterrey to bridge loop (8:03 min/mile)
I just decided, after yesterday, that I'm going to start running 8 minute miles now. Just like, in the beginning, I decided that I was going to run 8:30 miles. And I did, well mostly... and eventually it started to feel comfortable. I'm not sure why now, but it's time. Legs still feeling good and fresh, but breathing is kinda raspy. Overall a pretty good run though.
Monday: Off, slept in. Feeling lousy in that "under the weather" sort of way.
Tuesday: 6 miles, 46:10 Hillcrest, Orlando, Allen (7:46 min/mile)
Got up a little late, and it was drizzling out. Couldn't really decide what type of a run I wanted this to be. Went out hard, then backed off for most of the middle part, but then picked it up again coming back on California. Mostly, it was because the rain was picking up, I couldn't see anything, and I just wanted to get home sooner rather than later. Totally soaked when I got home, but I was super pleased to see my first solidly sub-8 minute mile run!
Wednesday: Off, slept in again. Feeling really fatigued and exhausted, not sure why.
Thursday: 6.5 miles, 54:30 Hillcrest, Orlando, San Marino (8:23 min/mile)
Slept in again, feeling really lousy... forced myself to go on this evening run though, to avoid 3 consecutive off days (counting shot day tomorrow). I was tired when I got home from work, and it was really humid. I remember thinking 5 minutes into this run that I was really hot and uncomfortable. Took it easy, but not THAT easy... so I was kind of pissed to see the slow run time. Oh well, try again on Saturday, I guess.
Friday: Off, shots, traveling.
Saturday: 5.2 miles, 42:18 (20:49/21:29) 2 x Washington Park Loops (8:08 min/mile)
First loop with Peter in Denver. Felt really lousy, I was feeling the altitude pretty early on, and it just got worse from there. The second loop felt a little bit more controlled, but I was pretty discouraged. Made some super delicious ginger bread men with Peter afterwards, and I decided to put this run behind me.
Week total: 23 miles. Well, whatever my hip needs to get better, so be it.
I've decided that I'm still too young to have a metal hip... which means that I've got to come up with some way to fix this hip injury. Actually, at this point "hip" injury may be a misnomer. A variety of upper leg muscles have been hurting in turn at this point, so I'm not really sure what's going on anymore.
On the upside, it doesn't seem to make a difference whether I run fast or slow, and it's basically manageable with a smattering of core exercises, extra stretching and massage. Something always feels rusty and sore at the beginning of each run, but it seems to feel okay after 50 meters or so. It doesn't hurt me while walking around during the day any more, so I figure its improving and/or workable. I'm not 100% comfortable with it, but I think its good enough to proceed. Now to get that mileage back up. Last week I ran 3 days... this week I ran 4. One step at a time, I guess.
Sunday: 5.3 miles, 42:42 for Monterrey to bridge loop (8:03 min/mile)
I just decided, after yesterday, that I'm going to start running 8 minute miles now. Just like, in the beginning, I decided that I was going to run 8:30 miles. And I did, well mostly... and eventually it started to feel comfortable. I'm not sure why now, but it's time. Legs still feeling good and fresh, but breathing is kinda raspy. Overall a pretty good run though.
Monday: Off, slept in. Feeling lousy in that "under the weather" sort of way.
Tuesday: 6 miles, 46:10 Hillcrest, Orlando, Allen (7:46 min/mile)
Got up a little late, and it was drizzling out. Couldn't really decide what type of a run I wanted this to be. Went out hard, then backed off for most of the middle part, but then picked it up again coming back on California. Mostly, it was because the rain was picking up, I couldn't see anything, and I just wanted to get home sooner rather than later. Totally soaked when I got home, but I was super pleased to see my first solidly sub-8 minute mile run!
Wednesday: Off, slept in again. Feeling really fatigued and exhausted, not sure why.
Thursday: 6.5 miles, 54:30 Hillcrest, Orlando, San Marino (8:23 min/mile)
Slept in again, feeling really lousy... forced myself to go on this evening run though, to avoid 3 consecutive off days (counting shot day tomorrow). I was tired when I got home from work, and it was really humid. I remember thinking 5 minutes into this run that I was really hot and uncomfortable. Took it easy, but not THAT easy... so I was kind of pissed to see the slow run time. Oh well, try again on Saturday, I guess.
Friday: Off, shots, traveling.
Saturday: 5.2 miles, 42:18 (20:49/21:29) 2 x Washington Park Loops (8:08 min/mile)
First loop with Peter in Denver. Felt really lousy, I was feeling the altitude pretty early on, and it just got worse from there. The second loop felt a little bit more controlled, but I was pretty discouraged. Made some super delicious ginger bread men with Peter afterwards, and I decided to put this run behind me.
Week total: 23 miles. Well, whatever my hip needs to get better, so be it.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Another one bites the dust...
10/04/2009 - 10/10/2009 (Week 6)
Things fall apart. Shit. The worst part is that I'm still not entirely sure what has broken, but something has definitely gone awry, because I wasn't walking normally on Tuesday after the workout. The best case scenario is a tweaked L hip flexor, which has happened to me with some regularity, and can be resolved with more diligent implementation of core strengthening. The worst case scenario is a stress fracture of the femural joint. I've been taking my gummy calcium bears, dammit! Clearly my runty left side doesn't respond to encouragement, so fine... die, left leg, die.
Sunday: 11.6 miles, 1:42:11 in the Arroyo then around the RB perimeter (8:49 min/mile)
Aaaaaahhhhh... turtle turtle. Why is not my long run pace improving?! I really didn't want to run today, but around noon, I finally cobbled together enough motivation to head out. It felt fine, except for I could tell that I was getting tired, and I was really dehydrated towards the end. I knew I should just have stopped for water at the RB or the casting pond, but for some reason I was determined not to stop. I think that the reality is that I run all of my runs as accelerations... in the Arroyo, I think I start out at 8:45 pace and then pick it up on the second half to average 8:30, but on this run, the picking it up thing never happened. It didn't feel particularly horrible... just long, and slow. I think it was too early for this jump, I should have stuck with a few more weeks of the 9 mile long run. Blahhhh.....
Monday: Off. I had felt really good immediately after yesterday's run, but woke up today with some aches and pains that distinctly felt like the beginning stages of injury, rather than a good healthy sore. Took a precautionary day off.
Tuesday: 6.5 miles, 2 x 700m, 2 x 1500m, 2 x 700m pickups with 100m jog rest at Lacy
Woke up at 6:50 am and realized that I wasn't going to run today if I didn't rush to 7 am practice (team has started T/Th morning workouts again). The prospect of 2 continuous days off scared me more than the twinge I still felt in my L hip, so I rushed out, and then sprinted again to Lacy bc I had missed the start yet again.
Felt like a good workout, my goal was to practice running fast, but still remain comfortable and consistent. I'm just not ready for a super high intensity thing right now, so these continuous loops are really ideal. Times were 3:03, 3:00, 6:44, 6:54, 3:13, 3:14. Legs were comfortable throughout, but I struggled cardiovascularly on the 1500's and that carried over towards the end. Not exactly sure how to fix this gap, cardio always lags leg strength for me, but its usually not as bad as this. (Strangely on the bike, its the reverse... )
Wednesday - Friday: Off. L hip took a turn for the worse after Tuesday, should have listened to the tweak while it was just that. The joint seemed to seize up after Tuesday's workout, I had trouble walking normally. Tried to sort out exactly what was wrong, but it was difficult. Just kept trying to stretch and loosen it, but a number of things seemed to have clenched around the joint. Kind of scary. There was a large improvement in the first day, but residual issues persisted for many days afterwards. In addition, some small muscles keep spasming in my calf. Bad news bears.
Saturday: 4.2 miles, 33:21 Glenarm/Hillcrest (7:56 min/mile)
Short run to test out the hip. Smelled like burnt tires out. Ran at noon, so it was warmer than I would have liked. I felt sluggish and my breathing was out of whack, but I assumed I was going really slow and I just felt badly bc of the days off, and the temperature. Felt better about the run once I got home and realized that I was going a decent pace. Did a lot of stretching and exercises afterwards. I felt like my L hip was different from my R hip, but it felt like a difference of strength vs. a difference of injuredness. It may have been better to take it a bit easier on the first day back, but I'm actually heartened to see the faster pace because it demonstrates that I'm still getting full extension out of my stride. Towards the end of my last cycle of injuries, I couldn't run faster than a 9 minute mile, simply because I had shortened my stride drastically to minimize the pain.
Week Total: 22.3 miles, ack, wrong direction!
Things fall apart. Shit. The worst part is that I'm still not entirely sure what has broken, but something has definitely gone awry, because I wasn't walking normally on Tuesday after the workout. The best case scenario is a tweaked L hip flexor, which has happened to me with some regularity, and can be resolved with more diligent implementation of core strengthening. The worst case scenario is a stress fracture of the femural joint. I've been taking my gummy calcium bears, dammit! Clearly my runty left side doesn't respond to encouragement, so fine... die, left leg, die.
Sunday: 11.6 miles, 1:42:11 in the Arroyo then around the RB perimeter (8:49 min/mile)
Aaaaaahhhhh... turtle turtle. Why is not my long run pace improving?! I really didn't want to run today, but around noon, I finally cobbled together enough motivation to head out. It felt fine, except for I could tell that I was getting tired, and I was really dehydrated towards the end. I knew I should just have stopped for water at the RB or the casting pond, but for some reason I was determined not to stop. I think that the reality is that I run all of my runs as accelerations... in the Arroyo, I think I start out at 8:45 pace and then pick it up on the second half to average 8:30, but on this run, the picking it up thing never happened. It didn't feel particularly horrible... just long, and slow. I think it was too early for this jump, I should have stuck with a few more weeks of the 9 mile long run. Blahhhh.....
Monday: Off. I had felt really good immediately after yesterday's run, but woke up today with some aches and pains that distinctly felt like the beginning stages of injury, rather than a good healthy sore. Took a precautionary day off.
Tuesday: 6.5 miles, 2 x 700m, 2 x 1500m, 2 x 700m pickups with 100m jog rest at Lacy
Woke up at 6:50 am and realized that I wasn't going to run today if I didn't rush to 7 am practice (team has started T/Th morning workouts again). The prospect of 2 continuous days off scared me more than the twinge I still felt in my L hip, so I rushed out, and then sprinted again to Lacy bc I had missed the start yet again.
Felt like a good workout, my goal was to practice running fast, but still remain comfortable and consistent. I'm just not ready for a super high intensity thing right now, so these continuous loops are really ideal. Times were 3:03, 3:00, 6:44, 6:54, 3:13, 3:14. Legs were comfortable throughout, but I struggled cardiovascularly on the 1500's and that carried over towards the end. Not exactly sure how to fix this gap, cardio always lags leg strength for me, but its usually not as bad as this. (Strangely on the bike, its the reverse... )
Wednesday - Friday: Off. L hip took a turn for the worse after Tuesday, should have listened to the tweak while it was just that. The joint seemed to seize up after Tuesday's workout, I had trouble walking normally. Tried to sort out exactly what was wrong, but it was difficult. Just kept trying to stretch and loosen it, but a number of things seemed to have clenched around the joint. Kind of scary. There was a large improvement in the first day, but residual issues persisted for many days afterwards. In addition, some small muscles keep spasming in my calf. Bad news bears.
Saturday: 4.2 miles, 33:21 Glenarm/Hillcrest (7:56 min/mile)
Short run to test out the hip. Smelled like burnt tires out. Ran at noon, so it was warmer than I would have liked. I felt sluggish and my breathing was out of whack, but I assumed I was going really slow and I just felt badly bc of the days off, and the temperature. Felt better about the run once I got home and realized that I was going a decent pace. Did a lot of stretching and exercises afterwards. I felt like my L hip was different from my R hip, but it felt like a difference of strength vs. a difference of injuredness. It may have been better to take it a bit easier on the first day back, but I'm actually heartened to see the faster pace because it demonstrates that I'm still getting full extension out of my stride. Towards the end of my last cycle of injuries, I couldn't run faster than a 9 minute mile, simply because I had shortened my stride drastically to minimize the pain.
Week Total: 22.3 miles, ack, wrong direction!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Rest week devolves to lazy...
09/27/2009 - 10/03/2009 (Week 5)
First rest week, and I've got two things going against me. One is that pre-season is over, so there isn't 6:30 am practice to get my lazy ass out of bed in the morning. Two is that I have a history of post-achievement motivational issues. And yes, running 42 miles last week is an achievement... because that's only happened twice so far in the past 2 years. Sad, yeah, I know...
The wheels kind of came off the wagon early this week, with the dreaded 2 consecutive off days, but I rallied to cobble together 35 miles in 5 days. I think the situation is under control, but I was afflicted by some serious ennui for a while there. Part of the problem is that I've been requiring a ridiculous amount of sleep recently. Since I returned from Colorado, 7 hours isn't cutting it. Kind of disturbing... but I'll chalk it up to recovering from altitude.
Sunday: 7.8 miles, 1:07:03 for 3 x Washington Park Loops in Denver (8:36 min/mile)
(22:00/22:38/22:25 lap splits) Argh, feeling lousy today. Not sure exactly why, but it was harder and slower than yesterday. It didn't feel like a complete meltdown, so I just tried to keep some sort of a steady pace and not do anything crazy. Glad to be done. ~ 6 mile hike to ~9000ft with Peter and his parents afterwards.
Monday: Off. Traveling. Didn't perceive that I was super tired, but apparently I was.
Tuesday: Off. Slept in, and then had to work late... decided not to do a late night run, such that I could get up for a proper run tomorrow.
Wednesday: 7.1 miles, 1:00:32 Monterrey to RB and back (8:32 min/mile)
Felt lousy again, can't imagine why after so much rest... but my body usually feels sort of groggy and out of sorts after days off. Started really easy, picked it up a bit on the second half, but it was still slow overall. Not too stressed out about it, just needed to get out and do something today to get back on the ball.
Thursday: 9.2 miles, 1:16:25 Hillcrest/Sierra Madre/Huntington/El Molino (8:18 min/mile)
Still couldn't get up in the morning, but this time I forced myself to run after work. Running at night around Pasadena is actually really nice, but this time I was afflicted by gastrointestinal distress, which made it... less nice. Went easy planning to do ~ 10 miles, but had to cut off the last part and head home early due to the stomach situation becoming intractable. Felt really good other than that. I was kind of sad that I didn't get to work the El Molino hill, because I had to concentrate on not crapping my pants. Stomach hurt for hours afterwards, couldn't eat anything... bad times.
Friday: 6 miles, 49:20 Hillcrest/Orlando/Allen back on California (8:18 min/mile)
Shots in the morning, but had to run after work to account for the unintended rest day on Tuesday. Felt kind of sore and weak presumably due to lack of food, and stomach still feeling kind of bad, but it was much better than yesterday. Easy until last 0.4 miles down Marengo to get home, felt really good picking up the pace a little bit. Running on the pavement is starting to feel really good and easy, and the paces are coming down. Not sure what it is about the trails that makes it that much harder.
Saturday: 5.3 miles, 45:21 Monterrey to Third Bridge Loop (8:33 min/mile)
This run kind of felt like a chore. The 12 hour turnaround is still hard for me, but I decided to sacrifice this run to get back on the morning schedule rather than Sunday's long run. My legs felt mostly okay though, so I think the badness came from forgetting to take my Zyrtec yesterday night, so I was stuffy and chest felt tight and congested in the morning. Mostly easy, but had to pick it up the last 5 minutes, to avoid being passed by Old Guy.
Week Total: 35.4 miles, why don't I feel more rested? Oh, because of the sub-optimal configuration of off days...
First rest week, and I've got two things going against me. One is that pre-season is over, so there isn't 6:30 am practice to get my lazy ass out of bed in the morning. Two is that I have a history of post-achievement motivational issues. And yes, running 42 miles last week is an achievement... because that's only happened twice so far in the past 2 years. Sad, yeah, I know...
The wheels kind of came off the wagon early this week, with the dreaded 2 consecutive off days, but I rallied to cobble together 35 miles in 5 days. I think the situation is under control, but I was afflicted by some serious ennui for a while there. Part of the problem is that I've been requiring a ridiculous amount of sleep recently. Since I returned from Colorado, 7 hours isn't cutting it. Kind of disturbing... but I'll chalk it up to recovering from altitude.
Sunday: 7.8 miles, 1:07:03 for 3 x Washington Park Loops in Denver (8:36 min/mile)
(22:00/22:38/22:25 lap splits) Argh, feeling lousy today. Not sure exactly why, but it was harder and slower than yesterday. It didn't feel like a complete meltdown, so I just tried to keep some sort of a steady pace and not do anything crazy. Glad to be done. ~ 6 mile hike to ~9000ft with Peter and his parents afterwards.
Monday: Off. Traveling. Didn't perceive that I was super tired, but apparently I was.
Tuesday: Off. Slept in, and then had to work late... decided not to do a late night run, such that I could get up for a proper run tomorrow.
Wednesday: 7.1 miles, 1:00:32 Monterrey to RB and back (8:32 min/mile)
Felt lousy again, can't imagine why after so much rest... but my body usually feels sort of groggy and out of sorts after days off. Started really easy, picked it up a bit on the second half, but it was still slow overall. Not too stressed out about it, just needed to get out and do something today to get back on the ball.
Thursday: 9.2 miles, 1:16:25 Hillcrest/Sierra Madre/Huntington/El Molino (8:18 min/mile)
Still couldn't get up in the morning, but this time I forced myself to run after work. Running at night around Pasadena is actually really nice, but this time I was afflicted by gastrointestinal distress, which made it... less nice. Went easy planning to do ~ 10 miles, but had to cut off the last part and head home early due to the stomach situation becoming intractable. Felt really good other than that. I was kind of sad that I didn't get to work the El Molino hill, because I had to concentrate on not crapping my pants. Stomach hurt for hours afterwards, couldn't eat anything... bad times.
Friday: 6 miles, 49:20 Hillcrest/Orlando/Allen back on California (8:18 min/mile)
Shots in the morning, but had to run after work to account for the unintended rest day on Tuesday. Felt kind of sore and weak presumably due to lack of food, and stomach still feeling kind of bad, but it was much better than yesterday. Easy until last 0.4 miles down Marengo to get home, felt really good picking up the pace a little bit. Running on the pavement is starting to feel really good and easy, and the paces are coming down. Not sure what it is about the trails that makes it that much harder.
Saturday: 5.3 miles, 45:21 Monterrey to Third Bridge Loop (8:33 min/mile)
This run kind of felt like a chore. The 12 hour turnaround is still hard for me, but I decided to sacrifice this run to get back on the morning schedule rather than Sunday's long run. My legs felt mostly okay though, so I think the badness came from forgetting to take my Zyrtec yesterday night, so I was stuffy and chest felt tight and congested in the morning. Mostly easy, but had to pick it up the last 5 minutes, to avoid being passed by Old Guy.
Week Total: 35.4 miles, why don't I feel more rested? Oh, because of the sub-optimal configuration of off days...
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